Building the Future
Truth, Beauty & Goodness
in Phase II
Click to expand the photos above for the exciting progression of John Paul the Great College's second phase of construction.
Phase II includes three new classrooms, a meeting room, restrooms, two storage rooms, a kitchenette, and most impressively, a chapel. In September of 2023, construction entered into its final stages. By fall of 2024, our students will be learning and praying in this new addition to campus.
Thanks to our generous donors, JPG will be equipped to meet the demands of a growing student body already outgrowing our existing classrooms. Our community will have a new beautiful place to worship and encounter God, who gives life and meaning to our school.
Notable features:
Chapel seats more than 150 occupants, five times the size of our current classroom-turned-chapel
Second dome to match the main building
Vaulted classroom ceilings, reducing echo and heat
Roof tiles hand-made in Belize
Large courtyard space for outdoor activities
If you are interested in supporting the completion of Phase II, please click here or contact info@jpii.edu.bz

Marvin Flores is a construction worker on this project. This semester he enrolled in a class and officially joined the JPG family!