John Paul the Great College’s liberal arts core comes from a distinguished tradition and is reflected in a carefully designed, chronologically and disciplinarily integrated curriculum that is required of all students. This curriculum challenges students to think far beyond what seems easy, to stretch themselves in new areas of learning to discover their human potential, and to become fully educated. Robert Hutchins once wrote:
The liberal arts are not merely indispensable; they are unavoidable. Nobody can decide for himself whether he is going to be a human being. The only question open to him is whether he will be an ignorant, undeveloped one, or one who has sought to reach the highest point he is capable of attaining. The question, in short, is whether he will be a poor liberal artist or a good one.
Liberal education addresses the whole of life enabling one to live well in the midst of family, church, and society. By attaining it, students gain an appreciation of all that life offers and develop their physical, intellectual, and spiritual capacities.

HIST101 World History & Geography
HUM101 Greco-Roman Roots of Civilization
HUM102 Middle Ages to Enlightenment
HUM202 Belizean Studies
TRIV101 College English I (Grammar)
TRIV102 Logic
TRIV201 Rhetoric
THEO101 Word of God I
THEO102 Christ & the Sacraments
THEO201 Life of Grace
THEO202 Theology of the Body
MATH101 Euclidean Geometry
ART/MUS201 Art or Music Appreciation
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL102 Philosophy of Nature & Man
PHIL201 Ethics
ENED101 Outdoor Leadership Adventure