Meet Mathew Morales, the student body president of John Paul II Junior College!

Mathew is a graduate from Mount Carmel High School, Class of 2020. He was born and raised here in Benque and, though he loves it, Mathew sees a lot of potential for growth within his town, and believes the students of JPII can be a big part in contributing to this. Mathew himself is working on being a catalyst for positive change as he begins his senior capstone project, where he will be taking a group of high school students up to Pine Ridge and guiding them through a retreat to help form the boys into men. The retreat will focus on diving back into the roots of creation, allowing the boys to experience the deep calling of man through nature, endurance, testimonies, and the sacraments. Investing in these young men is an investment into the future families of Benque, and Mathew knows that this is essential for the growth in virtue of their community as a whole.
Mathew's zeal for virtue contributed to his campaign and eventually helped get him elected president of the student body last September. His love for his fellow students, the school, and its values has made him an excellent president. Mathew was originally drawn to JPII because of its Catholic environment, as well as its reputation for an excellent education. Mathew says that what he loves most about the education here is “being able to learn about truth and why we’re created. I appreciate how the education here helps the students grow as human beings.”
When asked what his best experience at the Junior College has been, Mathew was quick and enthusiastic with his answer: “Mission trips! They are great in not only serving the community and people of Belize, but they help our student body really come together as well. Even though they’re hard and it’s a lot of work, it’s definitely the most exciting and fruitful thing I think our school does.”

Every spring semester JPII students and staff are sent out on an intense week-long mission trip. As seen in Mathew’s response, it has a large impact on student's prayer lives and their community bond, as well as the communities they serve.
Mathew is a star student in the classroom, but lives a life where education and fun take place beyond the classroom walls as well. He enjoys playing basketball and spending time in service to the community. Matthew is on track to graduate this May. Please keep him in your prayers as he undertakes his last big project here at JPII, the senior capstone project.