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Description: The Friends of Mount Carmel High School Scholarship provides one-semester renewable scholarships to graduates of Mount Carmel High School who are deemed Friends of MCHS Scholars. Students must retain a 2.5 GPA, maintain praiseworthy conduct, and perform a minimum of 1-hour of service per week throughout the semester (or its equivalent) to renew their scholarship.

Apply for a Scholarship

1. Personal Information
2. Family Information
3. High School Information
Have you graduated?
How many demerits have you received?
4. Faith Information
Are you Catholic?
How often do you attend Sunday Mass?
4. Essays

Thanks for submitting! Our scholarship committee will be reviewing your application.

Eligibility: Any Mount Carmel High School graduate and current MCHS fourth-formers on track to graduate.

John Paul the Great College awards scholarships through the generosity of Cross Catholic Outreach, the St. Joan of Arc Fund, the Friends of Mount Carmel High School Scholarship, and private sponsors. In addition, students may be assisted by the Government of Belize.

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